Monday, 14 March 2016

Final Major Project - Peer Assessments

Final Major Project - Peer Assessment

First Peer Assessment

As part of furthering our personal development we did peer assessment sheets for one and other where we gave both a positive and a criticism on their current work. The part of this is to aid those who have either a creative/mental block and need a outsiders eyes, or generally to help the design process. I received some much needed criticism for my developed concept work. 

The main points were as followed...

  • Add more details to the surrounding buildings. They felt very bland and basic. I highly agree with this point since they do feel generally... basic. However, I did state in the breaking paragraph how for these developed concepts I didn't want to idle hence the lack of detail.
  • Changing the colour-scheme. I agree again with this point. Although I am looking to keep the colours akin to the post apocalyptic and war-torn city vibe/feel. But I also need to make sure that the colours don't clash and give off this mix and match feel to them. As so far, they have.

For the future and final piece is work on the colour-scheme and definitely more detail. I will have to work on some more design sheets putting this into practice before I start on the final. I can ask for criticism on these once they are done. Possibly comparing and contrasting these with the old work.

Second Peer Assessment

We repeated the same process except this time we had an entirely different group critique our work. Here are the following points and criticisms made about my work. This sheets criticisms were very close to that of the first sheet. Generally hinting that I work on the colour scheme and detailing.

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