Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Final Major Project - Silhouette Designs

Final Major Project - Silhouette Designs 

I want my final environment design to be comprised of masked polygons that silhouette the design and shape of each individual component. For example; each brick, window, broken tile will be masked in a different colour but done in-depth. I won't mask one whole large area as I have done in these designs but this exercise was to practice that 'masking' technique.

Here are the silhouette designs...

I did these in grayscale colour scheme to see which highlights would show best. After doing this I realised that the grayscale colour scheme was something I didn't want to keep because visually, it looked ok but didn't embody that apocalyptic feel. So I made changes accordingly.

I tried to follow the colour scheme I found during my research, i.e - plenty of greens, browns, light greens and dark browns. I felt this worked a little better but isn't still what I was looking for. However I took note of this and saved each colour scheme to compare and see which one I preferred.

Here is the re-coloured version of my silhouette designs...

Although the silhouette designs aren't to be anything highly detail and is just rough, basic outlines of what I could expect some of my ideas to look like I still wanted to gain a wider perspective on the bigger details of my work. The bigger blocked out areas, the shadows, edges etc.

This iteration of the silhouettes I feel was one of the best if not, the best. Reason being is because the colour scheme is as should be but the saturation was far too low and way too bright. So from my previous silhouette designs I altered the saturation to be higher and the brightness lower/

Here are the differences...

So from grayscale I made the colour scheme more appropriate and accurate to the theme so that my work was plain, gray silhouettes that didn't convey that message of war-torn and destroyed. After which I still felt that the design were off to I altered the brightness and saturation and finally, had the silhouettes I wanted. The reason this is so vital and helpful for me is so that when I come to completing my final concept piece; I know how to make appropriate changes for the better.

I want a post apocalyptic feel that conveys the message of a war-torn, destroyed world. This piece of research helped me massively in being able to do that easily and accurately.

Here is a final progression screenshot of the process in achieving the look for my silhouettes...


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