Sunday, 21 February 2016

Final Major Project - Initial Sketches/Concepts

Final Major Project - Initial Sketches/Concepts

Now that I have a chosen theme/genre I needed to start on initial sketches/concepts done. How I went about doing this was using basic polygons to mask and silhouette assets of real landscapes (lamps, rocks, roads, houses) that I compiled into one, custom composition. From this point I will begin to paint and add further detail by using formal elements of art (shadow, tone, highlights and colour).

I came up with two concepts that follow that theme and feel of post apocalyptic, run-down and wastelandish. I did this by focusing on the obvious details such as rough, rigid, sharp, broken edges on concrete. In addition to this I also added caved-in and dilapidated houses/buildings. And the final detail was the colour palette. I used a monochromatic and warmer colour palette to define the 'used' look and feel to it. Browns, greens, dark-browns, light greens, grays and blacks.   

Here are both concept pieces (un-finished) thus far. Overlaying painting yet do be done.

This is concept one. This design is based off of a suburban/city area. 

This is concept two. This design is based off of a rural area.

My next step towards these pieces is to have them finalized and finished by painting over the masked polygons and add full-definition which I can then used for developed sketches/concepts.

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