Monday, 1 February 2016

Mechanical Marvel - Contextual Studies

Mechanical Marvel - Contextual Studies

Street Art Presentation

In groups to better understand artists, their work and their methods our class was split into groups and each given a topic to research and do a presentation on. My group were given the title "What is Street Art?" or just "Street Art". So, we produced a presentation of street art.

We looked at movements, artists and the general meaning of street art.

Compare and Contrast Artists Work

To experiment with art styles and be able to detect, compare and contrast multiple differences between two artists. In this case H.R Giger and Michael Broom, two artists that both work on concept art for aliens and alien esq themed artwork. I did this in a venn diagram.

What is Art? Is this Art? 

To extend our knowledge of what art is and how we perceive it Shiam gave us various pieces of 'art' and had us say whether or not we thought it was art and why. So that's what we did.

Everyone had differing opinions and views on whether or not these pieces of art were actually art but this is all apart of the process in seeing art in different lights and determining whether it is art.

Creatures and their symbolism in Art

As part of our 'creature feature' project we had to better understand the meaning and symbolism behind creatures and animals throughout history. We were tasked with finding the meaning behind a specific list of animals (Dove, Crocodile, Monkey and Butterfly) as well as taking three more from mythology and comparing them to man. Lastly, drawing a beast in four typical stances that were often portrayed during a certain time era. These were (Rampant, Guardant, Statant and Couchant).

Here is the Symbolism of animals and the list of animals segment...

 Here is the list of mythological creatures and their symbolism...

Lastly, the various beasts in the traditional stances as portrayed in paintings...

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