Saturday, 2 January 2016

Mechanical Bits & Initial Sketches

Mechanical Bits & Initial Sketches

  • To better get an idea of how/what my character would look like I needed to get some grounding and doing so through a series of initial sketches and Photoshop experiments. These Photoshop experiments had us take images and alter them into our own robotics. 
Mechanical Bits
  • Here are the Photoshop Experiments I did. I took the original images provided and rather than drawing on my own little trinkets I thought I would use the current images as assets to use across all of these experiments. Overall I feel visually they'll be helpful toward my design. Not only have they stretched my mindset into thinking of ways I could manipulate my design, but practising this skill in itself. I feel as this will greatly contribute to my final design.

Observational Drawings of Mechanical Objects & 3D Mechanical Drawings

  • To get a better understanding of 3D and observational drawings we were tasked with drawing some mechanical tools both in three dimensional perspective and observationally. I found this helped train my brain too focus less on staring at the object I am drawing and more let my mind take control and focus on the shape, lines and perspective of the object. This was very helpful.

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